Thursday, January 8, 2015


Teika-kun was one of them. When did it happen? How long has he been one?

He unlocked the door to the bridge during the night. The rest of the possessed came in and took Watanabe-kun. I managed to fight my way out, but they chased me all through the ship. Eventually I found a lifeboat that they hadn’t yet destroyed, and got into it. For some reason, none of the possessed followed me as I lowered it into the water. Teika-kun and the others passively stood across the ship, merely watching my escape.

Although that escape only solved my immediate problem. Once again, I was trapped someplace without food, water, or hope of rescue. There were no currents, so I had to use my hands to row myself away from the ship. The water felt like ice when I put my hand in it.

Eventually I grew too tired to continue. I could still see the lights from the ship, and hear the faint sound of its broadcast. As I watched it, the sea began to move for the first time in days. My boat rocked as a wave moved under it. The wave continued on towards the Hakudo Maru, growing in size until it seemed as tall as a mountain. Then it came crashing down on the ship, sending out smaller waves which nearly capsized me. When the sea calmed down and I could look around me, there was no sign of the Hakudo Maru. There is nothing around me but unending sea and silence.

Someone unlocked the door

Someone unlocked the door that had been holding the possessed prisoners. As soon as they were out, they began attacking the crew and throwing them off the ship. Only Teika-kun, Watanabe-kun, and I managed to escape. We’ve barricaded ourselves in the bridge. The possessed don’t seem to mind us being in here. Of course they don’t; we can’t do anything to them from here, and all they need to do is wait. There’s no food or water in this room. Eventually, the three of us will die, without any of them having to raise a finger.

One of them set up a megaphone at the top of the ship, and is now broadcasting the same message that we heard from the oil tanker. I don’t know how any of us is going to get sleep tonight with that playing.

I dreamt of a sea filled with whale song

I dreamt of a sea filled with whale song. The music shimmered in the air with a golden light while its singers swam in graceful circles around our ship. One by one, the whales began to disappear, and the light of their song slowly faded. And when all of them were gone, and the night was completely dark, the ocean awoke.

We've stopped trying to repair...

We’ve stopped trying to repair the engine. The damage is too severe for what tools we have. All we can do is hope someone notices our absence and finds us.

Another three are gone

Another three are gone. Shinji-kun, Ieyoshi-kun, and Mareo-kun. Ieyoshi-kun found Shinji-kun slashing open some of our lifeboats, and tried to stop him. In the struggle, both went over the railing into the ocean. When neither came back up, Mareo-kun jumped over to help them. He never came up either.

I’ve never seen the ocean this calm before

I’ve never seen the ocean this calm before. There not a single wave or ripple across a smooth blue plain that blends together with the cloudless sky hanging over us.